Project 4: File System

Note: The project description is long.  It might be useful to print it out for easy reference.

Project Overview

In this project you will implement file system tagging in xv6.  This project may be completed individually or in groups of two.

Project (100 points)
This project requires you to create three new syscalls that will allow files in the xv6 file system to be tagged with key-value pairs.  As an example, you might have an essay for your history class saved as a file in xv6.  You could tag this file as "class": "History 101".  In this example, the key is "class" and the value is "History 101".

The syscalls you will write are tagFilegetFileTag, and removeFileTag.  At a high level, they do what their names suggest.  But we will describe them in detail below.

Extra credit (20 points)
For extra credit, there are new syscalls and some additional features that you can add.

Educational Objectives

This project aims to achieve several educational objectives:

Getting Started

The Code

You should start from a fresh copy of the xv6 code.  This is especially important because I pushed some project 4 test cases to the repository (test4_*.c).

Join Project 4 on Github Classroom and clone the repository: 

After you've done this, you should get an email with a link to a private repository like 

From the github web interface you can click "clone of download" and then "use HTTPS" to get your group's repository URL (used below).  You can clone the repo using the following command:

$ git clone 

Notice that I added my github username to the user above, before "".  If you get an error related to "gnome-ssh-askpass" then try running "unsetenv SSH_ASKPASS" or "unset SSH_ASKPASS".

Project Description and Requirements

100 points

We will explain the project by going over the syscalls that you need to create in detail.  Further below, we will discuss a simplifying assumption that should make your solution easier to implement.

1) tagFile

The tagFile syscall tags a file with a key-value pair.  For example, you may want to tag a file with "author": "Jane".  In this example, "author" is the key and "Jane" is the value.  Here is the function signature that you MUST use for tagFile:

int tagFile(int fileDescriptor, char* key, char* value, int valueLength);

The first argument, fileDescriptor, is a file descriptor such as one returned by the open syscall.  It is just an integer, but it is used to identify a file (or a directory, or a pipe, or a device) in xv6.

The second argument, key, is a null-terminated string which represents the key part of the tag.  The string is at least 2 characters long and at most 10 characters long, including the null termination byte (or 1 to 9 characters not counting the null termination byte).

The third argument, value, is a string that represents the value part of the tag.  This string is not null-terminated.

The fourth argument, length, is the number of characters in the value string.  This argument is necessary since value is not null-terminated.

The syscall should return 1 for success and -1 for failure.   If the file already has a tag with the specified key, the existing value that corresponds to that key is overwritten.  In other words, you want to be able to change "author": "Jane" to "author": "Mary".

Here is an example of a simple user program that makes use of the tagFile syscall:

#include "types.h"
#include "user.h"

#define O_RDONLY 0x000
#define O_WRONLY 0x001
#define O_RDWR 0x002
#define O_CREATE 0x200

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd = open("ls", O_RDWR);

char* key = "type";
char* val = "utility";
int len = 7;
int res = tagFile(fd, key, val, len); // tag file as "type": "utility"
if(res < 0){
printf(1, "tagFile error.\n");



Requirements (and hints)

Here is a list of specific requirements related to the tagFile syscall:

2) removeFileTag

This syscall simply removes a tag (specified by the key) from a file.  Here is the function signature that you MUST use:

int removeFileTag(int fileDescriptor, char* key);

The first argument, fileDescriptor, indicates which file will be untagged.

The second argument, key, indicates which tag will be removed.

The syscall should return 1 to indicate success and -1 to indicate failure.

Here is an example of a simple user program that makes use of the removeFileTag syscall.

#include "types.h"
#include "user.h"

#define O_RDONLY 0x000
#define O_WRONLY 0x001
#define O_RDWR 0x002
#define O_CREATE 0x200

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd = open("ls", O_RDWR);

char* key = "type";
int res = removeFileTag(fd, key); // removes the tag with key "type"
if(res < 0){
printf(1, "removeFileTag error.\n");



Requirements (and hints)

Here is a list of specific requirements related to the removeFileTag syscall:

3) getFileTag

This syscall simply gets the value of a tag (specified by the key) for a given file.  Here is the function signature that you MUST use:

int getFileTag(int fileDescriptor, char* key, char* buffer, int length);

The first argument, fileDescriptor, indicates which file's tags to search.

The second argument, key, indicates which tag to read.

The third argument, buffer, is a buffer.  The syscall will write the tag's value to this buffer.

The fourth argument, length, is the length of the buffer specified by buffer.

The syscall returns the length of the tag value, or -1 to indicate failure.

Here is an example of a simple user program that makes use of the getFileTag syscall.

#include "types.h"
#include "user.h"

#define O_RDONLY 0x000
#define O_WRONLY 0x001
#define O_RDWR 0x002
#define O_CREATE 0x200

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd = open("ls", O_RDONLY);

char* key = "type";
char buffer[18];
int res = getFileTag(fd, key, buffer, 18);
if(res < 18){
printf(1, "%s: %s\n", key, buffer); // prints "type: utility" (assuming tagFile
// was previously used to set the tag value as "utility"
} else{
printf(1, "buffer too small.\n");



Requirements (and hints)

Here is a list of specific requirements related to the getFileTag syscall:

Simplifying Assumption

There is a complexity that arises after adding several tags to a file, then removing some tags, then adding more tags.  The problem is internal fragmentation.  Here is an explanation of the problem.

Suppose we add 10 different tags to a file.  Suppose these tags use up 500 bytes of the 512-byte disk block.  Suppose we then remove one of these tags from somewhere in the middle of the disk block.  Let's say this removed tag frees up 20 bytes in the middle of the block.  So now we have 20 free bytes in the middle of the block and 12 free bytes at the end of the block, like this:

|-------------- original ten tags ---------------|
200 bytes used | 20 bytes free | 280 bytes used | 12 bytes free
^---- one tag in the middle is freed later

Now, if we try to add a new tag that requires 25 bytes of space, we'd like to say that there is enough room because there is a total of 32 free bytes.  But the free space is fragmented, so in order to add the new tag, the free space would first have to be consolidated into a contiguous series of at least 25 bytes.

If you wish, you may sidestep this issue by enforcing a maximum length on the tag value of 18 bytes.  You can then represent each tag as a 32-byte struct like this:

struct Tag {
char key[10]; // at most 10 bytes for key, including NULL
char value[18]; // at most 18 bytes for value, including NULL
// 4 bytes available for bookkeeping, etc, if needed

This approach allows you to treat the 512-byte disk block as an array of 16 Tag structs.  This way, when adding a new tag, you just need to search the disk block for an unused tag entry.

Since we are explicitly allowing this simplified approach, we promise that the autograder won't attempt to store a tag value that is longer than 18 bytes (17 + one null char).  However, the autograder will attempt to store up to 16 different tags on a single file.


Make sure you do final testing on Murphy because Murphy will be the machine used for grading. 

We are providing some basic tests to help you get started (test4_tagFile.c, test4_tagFile-bad-fd.c, test4_removeFileTag.c).  These have not been added to the Makefile yet because they cannot be compiled until after you implement your new syscalls. The purpose of the provided tests is:
1) help you understand how a user program might invoke your syscalls, and
3) encourage you to write more tests!

The provided tests are intentionally not comprehensive and we strongly recommend that you add your own tests.  If you are having trouble thinking of your own tests, see the list of Requirements.  Typically, each requirement can be translated into at least one test.  Sometimes you can write many many many tests for a single requirement.

As a reminder, modern software engineering principles emphasize writing your tests before writing your code.  This is taught at Northwestern in EECS 111 as part of the Design Recipe.  In industry, you may hear it described as test-driven development.  The point is, we recommend writing tests first in order to force yourself to define the desired outcome of your code.  Then after you've written your code, you can run your tests to get immediate feedback on whether your code is correct or not.

Extra Credit Description and Requirements

20 points

For extra credit, you can extend the basic functionality above in a few ways.

1) a new syscall: getAllTags

Here is the function signature:

int getAllTags(int fileDescriptor, struct Key keys[], int maxTags);

The first argument, fileDescriptor, designates which file to get the tags of.

The second argument, keys, will be filled in with a list of keys from all the tags that apply to the specified file.  struct Key is simply this:

struct Key {
char key[10]; // at most 10 bytes for key

Make sure that this struct is available via either types.h or user.h so that we don't have to include any additional files when we test your code.

The third argument, maxTags, is the size of the keys array.  This tells the kernel the maximum number of keys that the caller can accommodate in its buffer.

The syscall returns the actual number of tags on the specified file, or -1 for failure.  Here is some example code demonstrating how this syscall may be used:

#include "types.h"
#include "user.h"
// make sure that struct Key is included via either types.h or user.h above

#define O_RDONLY 0x000
#define O_WRONLY 0x001
#define O_RDWR 0x002
#define O_CREATE 0x200

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fd = open("ls", O_RDONLY);

struct Key keys[16];
int numTags = getAllTags(fd, keys, 16);
if(numTags < 0){

if(numTags > 16){
numTags = 16;
char buffer[18];
int i;
printf(1, "Here is a list of this file's tags:\n");
for(i = 0; i < numTags; i++){
int res = getFileTag(fd, keys[i].key, buffer, 18);
if(res > 0){
printf(1, "%s: %s\n", keys[i].key, buffer);


2) a new syscall: getFilesByTag

This syscall returns a list of files that are tagged with the specified key and value.  Here is the function signature:

int getFilesByTag(char* key, char* value, int valueLength, char* results, int resultsLength);

The first argument, key, designates the key of the tag we are searching on.

The second argument, value, designates the value of the tag we are searching on.

The third argument, valueLength, designates the length of value.

The fourth argument, results, is a buffer of characters that should be filled in with the names of files that are tagged with the specified key and value.  In the results buffer, each filename should be separated by a single NULL character.  Just list the filename, not the full path ("bar" not "/foo/bar").

The fifth argument, resultsLength, specifies the length of the results buffer.  This is the maximum number of bytes that the kernel can write to the results buffer.

The syscall returns the actual number of files that have been tagged with the matching key and value, or -1 to indicate failure.

3) Additional feature: Allow tag values to have an arbitrary length (i.e. relax the simplifying assumption discussed above).  Well, not quite arbitrary.  Since the minimum key length is 2 bytes, and the disk block size is 512 bytes, and some bytes might be required for bookkeeping, let's say the value length can be between 0 (empty string) and 500 bytes.  (If you choose to use NULL termination for the value then the empty string is actually 1 byte).

Adding this arbitrary length feature will require you to deal with the internal fragmentation discussed above.  That is, when a tag is added/changed/removed, you will have to consider moving tags around on the disk block to consolidate the empty spaces.  If there is a cumulative 25 bytes free in the block, then you should be able to add a 25-byte tag.

4) Additional feature: Allow additional disk blocks to be allocated for tags.  If tagFile is called and the new tag won't fit on the 512-byte disk block, a new block should be allocated.  To achieve this, you'll want to switch from using a direct block to an indirect block.  See the "Code: Inode Content" section of the xv6 textbook for more info on the difference between direct and indirect blocks.  Since an indirect block can point to 128 data blocks, this feature will allow up to 64 KB of space for tags per file.

128 blocks * 512 bytes/block = 65536 bytes = 64 KB

 That's all.  Good luck!

Submission Instructions

Please add a file "team.txt" to your repository that gives the name, netid, and email address of both partners.

You will submit your solution through github classroom by simply committing your changes and pushing to your private repository.  If you created new files for your solution then you will have to tell git to add these files to the project.  Run "git status" and look for untracked files.  Then run "git add <my_new_file>" to add that file to the project.  For example, you'll have to run "git add team.txt".  Review your changes with "git diff" and finally run "git commit -a" to commit your changes.  You can see your changes relative to the starting point by running "gid diff 1135c8d90".  Now push to your private github repository in github classroom by running "git push".

You should go to the github classroom website to verify that all your new code appears when you view the list of commits.  You should also test it by cloning the repository again (to a different folder) and testing that it works.

NOTE: If you submit your code before the deadline and then realize you need to change something, you can just push an update with the fix.  You might find it useful to push prior to the deadline when you want to share your progress with your partner.

In Canvas, list:



This project is based heavily upon a project from Columbia University's operating systems course.