This assignment was originally developed by Prof. Peter Dinda, but TA Kaiyu Hou and I rewrote the codebase in Python in Fall 2018.
In this project, your group of two will implement a distance-vector algorithm and a link-state algorithm in the context of a simple routing simulator. This will give you an understanding of how OSPF and BGP work. Your implementations can mirror the algorithms described in the book, and will consist of only a few dozen lines of code. It is important that you understand what is going on before you start, and that you write a pseudocode implementation or at least have a clear plan before trying to implement the code. While it will be tempting for you and your partners to each separately implement an algorithm, we believe it will be far easier if you collaborate on both algorithms. The experience of implementing one of the algorithms will make the implementation of the second algorithm much easier.
TIP: Techniques for broadcasting are covered in Lecture 12 and this is needed to implement the link-state algorithm (for sharing link states). Of the two algorithms, I think link-state is easier to implement, so I suggest you start there.
I posted a video with an overview of the distributed algorithms used in Project 3:
Getting the Code
You will be able to work on any Python3 environment (including either on your own machine or on, or on any of the Wilkinson lab machines).
Remote access tip: The routing simulator has a graphical component, so if you choose to work on moore you will have to log in using a method that supports graphics. Actually, this a bit clunky, so I recommend that you run the code on your own machine if possible. That said, if you choose to run on moore, you should use the FastX remote login system by first connecting to the Northwestern VPN and then clicking this link:
Further instructions are here. FastX will give you a virtual Desktop on moore that you can disconnect from and reconnect to.
Get a copy of the code using git:
$ git clone
This will create a routesim2 directory, containing a complete network routing simulator. For this project, you will just have to write the implementations for two different node classes in the files:
In other words, you will just have to write the routing algorithm. The network simulator itself is already written.
As a prerequisite, you will have to:
$ pip install --user networkx matplotlib
To execute routesim, do the following:
$ python3 GENERIC [eventfile]
For example:
$ python3 GENERIC demo.event
The parameter GENERIC will be replaced by DISTANCE_VECTOR or LINK_STATE when you are ready to test each of your two implementations.
We will say more about event files soon. The graphs are drawn automatically by the existing simulator code and if you implement the code correctly should see the routing path from a source node to a destination node in the displayed graph (in red). Routesim will pause every time it draws a graph, waiting for you to close the graph window.
Routesim is an event-driven simulator. What this means is that instead of simulating the passage of time directly, it instead jumps from event to event. For example, suppose a node decides to send a routing message to neighbor. If the current time is 100, and the link latency to the neighbor is 10, then instead of simulating time 100.1, 100.2, ..., 109.9, 110, the simulator “posts” an event (the arrival of the message at its neighbor) to occur at time 110. If there are no other events posted for times between 100 and 110, the simulator can jump ahead to 110.
Event-driven simulators are very powerful tools that are widely used in science and engineering. Routesim is implemented in the usual manner for event-driven simulators. There is a priority queue (implemented as a heap), called the event queue, which stores the events in time order. The simulator main loop simply repeatedly pulls the earliest event from the queue and passes it to a handler until there are no more events in the queue. The handler for an event may insert one or more new events into the event queue. For example, the handler for the routing message arrival may update the neighbor node’s distance table and then post a new arrival event for its neighbor.
Events in routesim come from the event file, and from handlers that are executed in response to events. The events file contains both events that construct the network topology (the graph) as well as events that modify link characteristics in the graph, or draw the graph, a routing path, or a shortest paths tree. In the events files, lines that are blank or whose first character is a ‘#’ are ignored.
Here are events that can occur in an events file:
arrival_time ADD_NODE node_num
arrival_time ADD_LINK src_node_num dest_node_num latency
arrival_time CHANGE_LINK src_node_num dest_node_num latency
arrival_time DELETE_LINK src_node_num dest_node_num
arrival_time DELETE_NODE node_num
arrival_time DRAW_TOPOLOGY
arrival_time DRAW_TREE src_node_num
arrival_time DRAW_PATH src_node_num dst_node_num
arrival_time DUMP_NODE node_num
Note that any DRAW event will cause a window to pop up with a drawing of the topology. The simulation will stall until you close the window.
We’ve included two demonstration event files (demo.event and test1.event) and you can generate random test examples using the script. Note that these files are very easy to write, and you may wish to do so on your own.
To implement a routing algorithm in Routesim, you will write Node implementations in and This code will be run for each and every node in the network. Thus you will be implementing two different distributed algorithms.
It's important that you do not add any additional "imports" in your code, except to import standard Python libraries. In other words, you may not import code from the simulator that would allow your node code to "cheat" and access global simulator data.
Node has four functions that you must implement for each algorithm:
link_has_been_updated(neighbor, latency) -> None: is called to inform you that an outgoing link connected to your node has just changed its properties. It tells you that you can reach a certain neighbor (identified by an integer) with a certain latency. In response, you may want to update your tables and send further messages to your neighbors. This function does not have to return anything.
process_incoming_routing_message(m) -> None: is called when a routing message "m" arrives at a node. This message would have been sent by a neighbor (more about how to do that later). The message is a string. In response, you may send further routing messages using self.send_to_neighbors or self.send_to_neighbor. You may also update your tables. This function does not have to return anything.
get_next_hop(destination) -> int: is called when the simulator wants to know what your node currently thinks is the next hop on the path to the destination node. You should consult your routing table or whatever other mechanism you have devised and then return the correct next node for reaching the destination. This function should return an integer.
__str__() -> str: is called to when the simulation wants to print a representation of the node's state for debugging. This is not essential, but it may be helpful to implement this function so that DUMP_NODE events print sensible information. This function should return a string.
Your implementation will consist of implementations of these four functions, as well as any additional functions that you need to help implement these. All of your code for this assignment should be in the two files and, and you should not change any other files.
Your implementations are subclasses of the Node class defined in simulator/ In that file you will find a few simulator functions that you will need to use in your node subclass implementation.
send_to_neighbor(neighbor, message) -> None: sends a string routing message to a neighbor.
send_to_neighbors(message) -> None: sends a string routing message to all neighbors.
get_time() -> int: returns the current simulation time. This may or may not be needed.
Notice that link-state works by flooding, meaning that you’ll want to flood a link update to all of your neighbors. Similarly, when a path gets updated in a distance vector algorithm, all neighbors need to be informed.
For the Link State algorithm, you will also need to implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest path to nodes from a source node.
Generally, your code will represent the state of the network known to each node as Python objects, lists, dictionaries, sets, or a combination of the above. It's up to you to decide what data to store at each node and what data structures to use. Some of this information will be transmitted to neighbors in routing messages, and these routing messages must be plain strings.
We recommend that you the JSON format for your routing messages. You may simply "import json" and then use json.loads() and json.dumps() to convert between JSON strings and Python objects.
You need to carefully think what will go inside these routing messages depending on the routing algorithm you are implementing. LINK_STATE routing messages are used to flood link information whereas DISTANCE_VECTOR routing messages communicate distance vectors.
For link-state, you will need to implement controlled flooding to propagate information about link updates. When a link update happens, the simulator will call the link_has_been_updated method only on the two nodes on either side of the link, and it is that node's responsibility to start propagating that information.
The simulator allows links to be deleted, and this can lead to a "count to infinity situation" in your DV algorithm if you are not careful. The demo.event file actually exhibits this problem (test1.event does not have this problem because no links are deleted). The problem arises when you have two or more nodes that are suddenly "cut off" from the rest of the network. They each will try routing through the other until the distance literally reaches infinity. This is unacceptable. The simple solution called "poisoned reverse" will not help if there are three or more nodes in the cut-off island.
To truly solve this problem, your distance vectors should include the full routing path for each destination (similar to the AS_PATH in BGP). In other words, each entry in the DV should also include a list (or set) of nodes that are involved in the path. This will allow nodes to avoid choosing routes that would form loops and this will prevent count to infinity.
Tip: Remember that Python assigns lists by reference. The following code will modify "a":
>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = a
>>> b.insert(0, 4)
>>> print(a)
[4, 1, 2, 3]
The following makes a deep copy:
>>> import copy
>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = copy.deepcopy(a)
>>> b.insert(0, 5)
>>> print(a)
[1, 2, 3]
>>> print(b)
[5, 1, 2, 3]
So, you must use a deep copy if you are constructing an AS_PATH based on other AS_PATH.
When you send a message, it is not delivered until after the link latency time elapses. This can actually create out-of-order delivery of DVs if the link suddenly becomes faster. For example, consider the case when you send a DV to a neighbor on a link that has latency 10 and then one second later the latency becomes 5. The first DV is still scheduled to be delivered nine seconds from now, but if we send un updated DV now, it will be received earlier (five seconds from now). This is a somewhat unrealistic limitation in the simulator. To deal with this issues, you should add a sequence number (or just a timestamp) to DVs, so that you always keep the one that was sent latest, not necessarily received latest.
python3 -m cProfile -s cumtime DISTANCE_VECTOR test2.event
Scroll to the top of the output and look for the functions that have the most cumulative time. For example, this might reveal that a lot of time is spent in json serialization or in making unnecessary copies of lists.
$ tar -czvf project3_NETID1_NETID2.tgz README.txt